Her energy is contagious
Janique Svedberg är beroendeterapeut & Recovery Coach med personliga erfarenheter. Efter att hon själv blev nykter har Janique under flera år studerat beroendesjukdomen och psykisk ohälsa.
Janique left Sweden as a sixteen-year-old to seek happiness and adventure in New York City. It didn’t take long before she was offered work as a singer and dancer in the legendary band Kid Creole and the Coconuts. After 10 hectic years of touring and recordings, where life went faster and faster, it suddenly stopped. the negative consequences of the celebrity and fame had grown bigger than the successes and it was now clear to her that she was stuck in an alcohol and drug addiction.
I could no longer ignore how my life actually looked like and when I was offered help, I took it. During my personal journey in recovery, the interest grew that I could eventually work as a therapist myself. Today I spend my life educating and helping others and am so happy that I have a sober life that is absolutely fantastic.
Janique noticed how many of the clients came and went to the treatment centers on several occasions, as if the rehab’s had revolving doors. That was when interest was raised for how to improve addiction treatment and care. Today, Janique is certified by OASAS, NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services in order to educate and certify people who in Europe want to become a Recovery Coach and Sober Companion in Europe. Read more about Janique’s education:

Case Management
With Janique’s personal network and knowledge of everything from Recovery coaches to hospitals and treatment centers worldwide, she also works as a Case Manager. With tailor made programs according to the client’s needs and budget, treatment centers, detox clinics and addiction therapists are ready to support recovery. It can be anything from temporary interventions to longer programs for business executives and people who have difficulty finding regular time off in the calendar or have many important business trips planned.
The golden nuggets
Janique has gathered her knowledge and know-how from several visits to various international treatment centers, which also resulted in a solid network for the exchange of ideas and update of new models and methods of treatment.
I pick ‘the golden nuggets“ of each place and am working with a psychiatrist to apply them.
Sober Academy
Sober Academy is proud to be the first in our sector in Europe to offer an external accreditation for our courses through OCNCredit4Learning.
In 2011 Janique founded the Sober Academy, a school that educates Certified Interventionists and Certified Recovery Coaches & Sober Companions. Since these kind of trainings weren’t offered in Sweden at that time, Janique wanted to transfer the working methods and skills she acquired in the US and which turns out to work very well. By hiring a Certified Recovery Coach, the client gets a bridge back to life.
90% of people taking a relapse within 30 days of treatment do so in their own home environment.
EARS – European Association of Recovery Specialists
EARS is an association of International Recovery Specialists including Interventionists, Recovery Coaches and Sober Companions representing countries in Europe. The organization, founded by Janique and 6 others, has set the standard of education and ethical rules to maintain the highest in education and performance standards.
The importance of proper education
The goal of hiring a Certified Recovery Coach is to provide professional supervision and support to clients and families as they go through the recovery process. Hence it is important to hire a coach who has the right knowledge of the addiction disease and who can guide client and relatives through the process.